About type 2 diabetes: Type 2 diabetes also known as adult-onset or noninsulin-dependent diabetes, is a prolonged condition that disturbs the manner in which your body metabolizes sugar (glucose) which is your body’s significant home of fuel. With type 2 diabetes, your body either repels the sound effects of insulin (a hormone that controls the movement of sugar into your cells) or does not produce sufficient insulin to uphold a usual glucose level. It is that medical condition in which sugar or glucose levels build up in your bloodstream and there is no insulin left to move the sugar into your cells that is a major requirement for energy. This causes your body to depend on substitute energy sources in your tissues, muscles, and organs. These two types of diabetes are more common in adults. Type 2 diabetes progressively marks children as childhood obesity increases. This type 2 diabetes is very hazardous, but it can be prevented and you can cope with the condition by eating well, exercising, and maintaining a required healthy weight. If diet and exercise are not sufficient to manage your blood sugar well, you can also go for diabetes medications or insulin therapy.
Symptoms and effects: This is a sequence reaction that can root a variety of symptoms. Type 2 diabetes can grow slowly. The symptoms can be slight and easy to terminate in the beginning. The early symptoms could include:
Constant hunger
Lack of energy
Weight loss
Excessive thirst
Frequent urination
Dry mouth
Itchy skin
Blurry vision
As the disease develops, the signs can become more severe and possibly chancy. If your blood sugar levels have been high for a long time, the symptoms can include:
Slow-healing cuts or sores
Dark patches on your skin
Foot pain
Feelings of numbness in your extremities, or neuropathy
Yeast infections
If you have some of these sym
toms, you should consult your doctor. Without a cure, diabetes can become deadly. You can have type 2 diabetes at any age, but your risk increases as you get older. Your risk is mainly high after age 45. Age and weight are the two most important factors that count. Diabetes has a great effect on your heart. Women with diabetes are as possible to have another heart attack after the first one. They are at the double risk of heart failure when matched to women with no diabetes. Diabetes can also create problems during pregnancy.
Prevention of type 2 diabetes: Diet is a chief tool to keep your heart healthy and blood sugar levels within a harmless and fit range. It should not be complicated or unpleasant. The diet suggested for people with type 2 diabetes is the same diet but a little care is important. The prevention include few things There are more chances of you developing type 2 diabetes if you are overweight. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising daily will help you to keep your weight under control. If those changes are not working, your home health care physician can recommend you the things for losing weight carefully. For more information on all your home health care needs, contact Centric Healthcare today!