It is very normal to feel tiredness, weakness, and shortness of breath when one is in the recovery process from a COVID-19 infection. This condition is normal and may last for up to six to eight weeks. Thus, for this purpose, one must take time and set up smaller work goals. If you still have some energy left after the COVID-19 virus, try to do exercise at home as much as possible. Exercise at home is one of the best ways to deal with the symptoms of COVID-19. It’s easy and affordable and helps you get more energy and reduce feelings of breathlessness. Exercise will also help you clear out your lungs, so you’ll be able to breathe easier!
After the recovery from COVID-19, it is advised to do exercise at home like starting with a brisk walk and regular slow-intensity exercise by slowly setting small goals and realistic physical targets. It is important to continuously monitor the extent of breathlessness which can help the patient to decide the extent of exercise to be performed. Even the help and assistance of an occupational therapist can be sought after a referral from the general practitioner. Other exercises that can be performed include:
- Walking up the stairs: Initial brisk walking for10 to 15 minutes and even walking up the stairs for a few minutes can improve the stamina of the patient recovered from COVID infection.
- Doing yoga postures results in increasing mental stability while focusing on the strengths as well as weaknesses of an individual.
- Seated marching: This exercise may be performed when a person becomes breathless and includes raising the legs a number of times while in a seated position.
- Breathing exercises should be performed to help one’s lungs to recover from defects caused by COVID-19 infection.
What to do if you tested positive for COVID-19?
As there is an increase in the number of patients who are tested positive for COVID-19 infection daily, it is essential to have knowledge regarding steps in the recovery within one’s home and what must be done during these recovery stages, thereby strengthening the body’s immunological system.
If you test positive for COVID, it is important to take measures to not cause any harm. In order to stay healthy and prevent stress, you should perform a mild exercise at home.
Also, some mild physical activities during the process of recovery may be considered important. All must exercise at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This way, all can stay far away from others and wash their hands frequently with soap and water.
One must undergo self-isolation in a separate room with an attached bathroom or toilet. The room in which you are isolating must have adequate ventilation. You should wear a triple-layered mask whenever you are opening the door to receive supplies.
How to stay active during the COVID quarantine?
As fresh cases of COVID-19 are continuously emerging, the healthy population is constantly being requested to stay within their homes in self-imposed quarantine. For people with busy schedules that are stuck at home, staying in shape can be difficult. When you’re confined to your house during the pandemic period, it’s important to maintain an exercise regimen. Physical activities and relaxation techniques are both extremely valuable as they help you stay calm and active.
There are three types of recommended exercise at home; moderate, vigorous, and combined. The WHO has recommended that people do between 150 minutes and 75 minutes of moderate or vigorous exercise every week, with a combined regimen. These recommendations are achievable even within the home confines without any special equipment and within a limited workspace.
5 exercises at home when you get COVID?
There are plenty of exercises you can do at home without having to leave the house. COVID-19, or chronic obstructive lung disease, exercise is one of the World Health Organization’s top five examples.
- Seated marching: In this one must be seated in an erect position, lift their knees 20 times, and return to the floor.
- Seated lifting of legs: The patient has to be in a seated position, lift their legs and hold for 3 seconds and return the foot to the floor.
- Sitting and standing: In this form of exercise, the patient has to place both hands-on armrests and alternatively stand as well as sit. This should be repeated ten times.
- A great exercise is rowing of arms at home. To do this, you need to be upright, get your arms up to shoulder level, and push them out.
- Exercises that are focused on legs and toes such as Side and back legs, knee and heel raises.
How to Boost Your Immune System During your COVID Journey?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is an effective booster of immunity Maintaining a positive attitude and/or mindset contributes to an improvement in general well-being. One should inculcate happy thoughts as these will have a positive effect on the day-to-day life of an individual. It is a good practice to socialize with friends and family members over the phone or on video calls regularly. Consumption of a balanced diet with specific dietary items can improve immune function.
How can Centric Healthcare help you with COVID-19 Recovery?
For rehabilitation after COVID-19, patients can use Centric as a valuable resource. They provide physiotherapy, and dietary advice, and help patients learn how to self-monitor.