There are various ways to protect one’s unvaccinated children from COVID-19, especially those who have not received any vaccination. All the family members must be vaccinated first as after receiving anti-COVID-19 vaccines, there is a reduction in the risk of contracting this disease and may also, cause a reduction in the risk of its spread. One should ensure that everybody in the family who is either 12 years of age or greater gets their vaccines against the COVID-19 disease. One should prioritize wearing masks outside to prevent the spread of the Delta variant to other people.
Ask family members-specifically those who have not been vaccinated-to change their behavior to prevent transmission. However, one must remember not to put a mask on children who are younger than 2 years of age. Parents should avoid taking their unvaccinated children to public gatherings. It is essential to keep children away from crowded areas at least 6 feet/2 meters from anyone who is in close proximity.
Are your unvaccinated children safe from COVID-19?
Children under 12 years of age have not received any anti-COVID-19 vaccine, hence are extremely prone to catch the infection and spreading it even in absence of symptoms. As per the previous data, children under the age of 18 years contribute to 8.5% of the cases and usually with a mild form of the disease. One should continuously make attempts to protect unvaccinated children falling between the ages of 2 and 12 years. One must always wear masks in public areas and around individuals with whom they do not live.
Since the delta variant is highly contagious and breakthrough infections have been reported to occur even in individuals who are fully vaccinated, one must continue wearing their masks even when they are indoors.
One must opt for various protective measures for reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission within households. The first defensive mode is the administration of a vaccine to all the members of a household. Individuals who are vaccinated can continuously take care of their children as long as they are healthy without COVID-19 infection.
There are a few guidelines for isolating infected individuals and pregnant mothers. Instructions can be found on the CDC’s website.This further restricts the spread of the virus among other family members. Since infection due to COVID-19 undergoes transmission mainly via air, following strict respiratory hygiene must be one’s priority.
Why Can’t Children Get Vaccinated?

Children are at a much lower risk of developing a serious infection from COVID-19 disease. There are various ethical issues surrounding vaccine trials on children. However, any delay in this process may increase the chances of contracting COVID-19 among children. Anti-COVID-19 vaccine by Pfizer-BioNTech has been approved for administration only among children who are 16 years or older while the Moderna vaccine is now under clinical trial for younger aged individuals. Some vaccines are given to children under two with others administered to adults. There is still a question as to why COVID is administered to children in this world that features most childhood vaccinations.
In the United States, children constitute approximately 13% of total COVID-19 cases now. They comprise less than 3% of total patient hospitalizations and less than 0.21% of combined deaths due to COVID-19. Symptoms of COVID-19 in children are similar to that of adults with cough, fever, soreness in the throat, and running nose but are of lesser severity.
If your Children Can’t Be Vaccinated, Who will protect them from COVID-19?
It is the responsibility of parents and caregivers to protect their children from contracting COVID-19. Vaccines prevent children from catching the COVID-19 infection and may also reduce the chance of spread. Children with weak immune systems typically do not get vaccines, so they depend on others to avoid infection. They should also try to stay in as many areas as possible and reduce any contact with other people who have COVID-19.
Tips on how to keep your unvaccinated children safe from COVID-19

There are a few pointers that can help you in keeping unvaccinated children protected from COVID-19:
- Wearing any mask that covers the nose and mouth in public places such as airplanes, buses, trains, and various forms of public transport.
- By avoiding crowds and maintaining a minimum 6 feet distance from a person.
- Regularly wash your hands or use hand- sanitizer (60%alcohol).
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