Getting vaccinated protects you from serious illness and death due to COVID-19. During the initial 14 days following vaccinations, one does not achieve significant protection. Effects of vaccines increase in a gradual manner. For vaccines requiring a single dose, one’s immunity takes up to two weeks following vaccinations.
Additional preventive measures to keep the population healthy are important due to the recent outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 infection in some areas. For the safety measures and continuous reduction of disease transmission after the vaccinations coverage, one must continue to maintain a social distance of 1 meter in public gatherings and should cover the nose and mouth while coughing or sneezing either by using a handkerchief or tissue or by using one’s elbow, there should be frequent washing of hands and one must constantly wear a mask, especially in spaces that are enclosed, crowded or poorly ventilated. One should constantly follow guidance from local authorities depending upon the local situation and level of risk wherever one is living.
Is social distancing still necessary after being vaccinated?
COVID-19 vaccine helps in the prevention of serious levels of illness along with death, one does not know the extent to which it will keep one safe from acquiring the viral infection and also in the prevention of transmission of this virus to other individuals. Also, the greater the relaxation in allowing this virus to undergo spread, the higher the chances for this virus to undergo genetic mutation.
Thus, one must continuously take preventive actions for slowing or stopping the spread of this virus that includes maintaining a physical distance of 1 meter among other protective measures as mentioned in earlier paragraphs.
Do and Don’ts after COVID 19 vaccination
One must drink lots of water to stay hydrated both before and following vaccination. The most commonly seen side-effects following vaccinations are pain or soreness in muscles, fatigue, headache, and/or fever. Thus, proper hydration helps in preventing one from getting sick but also, may help in shortening the duration as well as the intensity of vaccination side-effects.
One must eat well-balanced food for avoiding any serious side- effects. The inclusion of superfoods, for example, green vegetables, turmeric, and garlic have higher levels of nutrients and also, helps in boosting immunity. Additions of seasonal fruits that are rich in Vitamin C also help in counteracting any side effects of the vaccines.
One must take a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sleep. After getting vaccinated, our body depends on immunological responses for developing protection. Hence, vaccinated people must take sleep for a minimum of 7 to 8 hours as deprivation of sleep can cause suppression of immunity since our body undergoes rebuilding of its defensive mechanisms when a person is sleeping. Thus, an absence of complete sleep may also cause the triggering of stress, which can cause further suppression of one’s immunological system.
One must perform a few light exercises or engage in moderate levels of physical activity. Doing regular exercises increase the circulation of blood which helps in decreasing the side effects of vaccines. For example, one must go on walking.
You should stop medicine for two days both before and after the vaccine so that you can prevent side effects. If you have an allergic reaction to the vaccine, you need to let the doctor know immediately.
One must continue following COVID-19-appropriate behavior even after receiving the vaccine. Following vaccination, it is essential for people to wash their hands with soap and water.
Apply a clean, cool cloth or ice to the site of vaccination for reducing pain and/or discomfort. Perform mild levels of exercise or use your arm for performing the light type of activities for decreasing pain.
Lactating mothers who receive a vaccine for co-Vax-19 must continue to breastfeed. The antibodies in their milk help provide immunity to their babies like any other vaccine. It is safe for pregnant females to undergo vaccination as per World Health Organization (WHO).
One should avoid the consumption of alcohol as well as tobacco after vaccination. There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that it’s good to smoke while you’re getting a vaccination. It can increase your risk of getting serious side effects and make them more difficult to deal with. There are a lot of reasons why it would be better not to drink alcohol either, including the fact that alcohol has negative effects on your body’s immune system and may reduce the effects of the vaccine. The same may apply to the consumption of tobacco too.
After vaccination, the patient can’t ever be guaranteed to avoid COVID-19 again. One can contract COVID-19 even after vaccination though the infection shows mild symptoms and reduces hospitalization, death, or serious symptoms.
Anyone who experiences any symptoms of COVID-19 should contact a doctor immediately. Any side- effects, for example, pain and discomfort in the arm or fatigue will usually subside within a few days. In case, there are serious side effects or symptoms that don’t subside, one must contact a physician.
One must avoid any excessive physical activities for a minimum of 2 to 3 days after receiving the vaccine. Wait 28 days between any consultations and vaccinations. If you cannot wait that long, use a different vaccine site (any other) instead of the one prescribed by your doctor.
What are the common side effects of the COVID 19 vaccine?

In most cases, it is normal to experience minor side effects. There are few commonly seen side-effects following vaccination that are indicative of developing immunity as a protective mechanism against COVID-19. These are soreness of the arm, Mild degree of fever, tired feeling, headache, muscle and/or joint ache. One can consult a physician if the symptoms worsen or take paracetamol in case there is a requirement after receiving the vaccine.
Centric Healthcare Nurses educate individuals on Covid safety and precautions
Nurses have an important role in reducing the transmission of COVID-19 by educating people. Contact Centric Healthcare if you want a free consultation.